Rule Updates

Cain’s Quest would like to announce the following rule changes related to racer substitutions. Updated rules have been posted at

1.6 All fees, entry or otherwise are non-refundable unless an event is cancelled or rescheduled by a ruling of the board of directors. Special consideration may be given in the event that a participant cannot maintain his/her registration due to medical circumstances. Proof in the form or a doctor’s note may be required.

Change: This rule has been amended and replaced by 1.8.2. No refunds of entry or other fees will be made after the official close of registration unless approved by a ruling from the board of directors. Refunds during the registration period will be processed with a 20% processing fee.
1.8. Substitutions and replacements of participating entrants are only allowed prior to the start of the race and only after proper paperwork and fees have been received and approved by Cain’s Quest prior to the Mandatory Driver’s Meeting.

Change: The following rules have been added:
1.8.1. Only one of the two originally registered racers may be replaced. If both original racers forfeit, the team is forfeit.
1.8.2. No refunds of entry or other fees will be made after the official close of registration unless approved by a ruling from the board of directors. Refunds during the registration period will be processed with a 20% processing fee.
1.8.3. Prior to the official close of registration, if the number of registered teams is at max, a forfeit teams position may be replaced by lottery. Once the lottery is announced, prospective teams have 2 weeks to register their interest. The lottery closing date will be announced. A $100 deposit will be required to enter the lottery. Deposit will be refunded to unsuccessful teams. Deposit will be returned to the selected team once registration fees are paid in full. Successful team will have 24 hours to pay registration fees and 1 week to submit registration forms. If registration fees are not paid by deadline, the deposit is forfeit and the team is disqualified from the lottery. In this case, the lottery continues with the remaining teams and another team is selected.

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