Cain’s Quest 2012 Race Results

Press Release



Date: March 22, 2012                                          FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Labrador City, NL – It has been an exciting week for Cain’s Quest Snowmobile Endurance Race.  Racers have faced formidable obstacles during their time on the 2012 Cain’s Quest race route.  Traveling long hours through ice fields, deep snow, and slob, it has been trying to say the least but ALL racers are to be commended on their efforts, accomplishments and bravery during this year’s race challenge.

The final standings for Cain’s Quest 2012 are as follows:

1st – Team 25 (Aucoin/Girard) from Cheticamp, NS and Chibougamau, QC with an unofficial time of 09:21 riding BRP Summit Freeride 800’s

2nd – Team 31 (Lessard/Hall) from Monmouth and Jackman, ME USA with an unofficial time of 10:00 riding Arctic Cat’s M8 800’s

3rd – Team 29 (Nui/Nui) from Natuashish, NL with an unofficial time of 10:21 riding BRP Summit Freeride 800’s

4th – Team 26 (Lucy/Flowers) from Hopedale, NL with an unofficial time of 11:41 riding BRP Summit Freeride 800’s

5th – Team 78  (Burke/Tobin) from Wabush, NL with an unofficial time of 16:14 riding Yamaha’s Nytro 1050’s

6th – Team 19 (Robitaille/Brunet) from Mont Laurier, QC with an unofficial time of 18:20 riding Polaris Switchback Assault 800’s

7th – Team 27 (Dyson/McNeill) from Makkovik, NL with an unofficial time of 18:43 riding BRP Summit X 800’s

8th – Team 77 (Poker/Rich) from Natuashish, NL with an unofficial time of 19:48 riding BRP Tundra Xtreme 600’s

9th – Team 67 (Lukan/Newton) from Meath Park and Saskatoon, SK with an unofficial time of 20:45 riding BRP Summit Freeride 800’s

10th – Team 14 (Bourgault/Couture) from St. Alphonse-de-Granby and Shefford, QC with an unofficial time of 23:45

11th – Team 33 (Acreman/Callahan) from Goose Bay and Labrador City, NL with an unofficial time of 00:15

12th – Team 39 (Paul/Paul) from Labrador City, NL with an unofficial time of 00:55 riding BRP’s Renegade 800 and Summit 800

13th – Team 11 (Stadler/Matias) from Barkhamsted, CT USA and Labrador City, NL Canada with an unofficial time of 02:37 riding BRP Summit Freeride 800’s

14th – Team 44 (Jones/Lemieux) from N. Yarmouth and Parkman, ME USA with an unofficial time of 04:39 riding BRP’s  Renegade 1200

*note: Teams arriving in 1st – 5th position were held up 2 hours at Esker Checkpoint to ensure a daylight finish.  Teams in 6th -14th position had 2 hours added to their end time as they were not held back in Esker.

Teams that did not cross the finish line within the mandatory 18 hour time deadline include:

  • Team 35 (Gillam/Winter) from Labrador City, NL
  • Team 37 (Tinkham/Tremblett) from Gander and Labrador City, NL
  • Team 28 (Hallstrom/Howell) from Savage, MN and West Yellowstone, MT USA

Scratched Teams Include:

  • Team 2 (Crann/Moore) from Little Britain, Coe Hill, ON
  • Team 4 (Loveman/Earle) from Labrador City, NL
  • Team 5 (Rodgers/Simms) from Happy Valley – Goose Bay, NL
  • Team 6 (Travers/Travers) from Labrador City, NL
  • Team 12 (Griffin/Dow) from Labrador City, NL
  • Team 13 (Coles/Leaman) from Labrador City, NL
  • Team 18 (Burke/Puchner) from Labrador City, NL
  • Team 20 (Watkins/Chatman) from Labrador City, NL
  • Team 22 (Gardner/Milley) from Mercer, Maine USA and Labrador City, NL Canada
  • Team 30 (Nui/Nui) from Natuashish, NL
  • Team 32 (Benuen/Rich) from Natuashish, NL
  • Team 36 (Tremblay/Tremblay) from Montreal and Quebec City, QC
  • Team 38 (Berthe/Watkins) from Kuujjuaq, QC
  • Team 40 (Einish/Gordon) from Kawawachikmack and Kuujjuaq QC
  • Team 41 (Swappie/Swappie) from Kawawachikmack and Schefferville QC
  • Team 42 (Rich/Tshakapesh) from Natuashish, NL
  • Team 55 (Bertrand/Bertrand) from Listowel and Chelmsford, ON
  • Team 69 (Collingwood/King) from Whistler, BC and Happy Valley – Goose Bay, NL

Team times will be determined official at the Awards Banquet Saturday March 24th, 2012. Awards and prize money will be presented at that time.

For more information on Cain’s Quest or to track the race via satellite visit

Contact: Todd Kent-Co Chair-(709)-944-5013 or 5011 PO Box 206, Labrador City, NL Canada, A2V 2K5


The purpose of Cain’s Quest is to

promote Labrador as a premier snowmobiling destination and provide reliable, consistent, safe and honourable crosscountry

snowmobile racing and recreational riding in Labrador


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